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An Intro

Hi, I'm Kerith. I gave up meat & dairy in January of 2017 in order to lose weight. I did lose weight, but not nearly enough. In fact, I'm still categorically obese, with a BMI of 35.5. The good news is that I know exactly how I need to eat in order to easily shed the rest of the weight I need to get rid of. The bad news is that my ability to STICK to that diet for longer than two weeks has been non-existent. There are a lot of reasons why I haven't been stuck to the healthiest diet on the planet, but the primary one is burnout... and namely, cooking many different meals for every member of my family. I believe the reason that giving up meat and dairy was something I stuck to is because my husband joined me and also adopted a plant based diet. So, from that point on, I was cooking meals for us, and cooking something else for the kids. He easily lost the majority of the weight he needed to, while I lost 30 and then was stuck. After much research, I stumbled across Dr Fu

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